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OSHA Classes

OSHA Certification & Its Role In Employee Safety

February 10, 2012

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration more popularly known as OSHA sets the pace for safety standards at workplace and is designed to protect the health and safety of employees. Workers in almost all type of industries face several health hazards both physical and biological. OSHA certification requirement helps in ensuring worker safety and mitigates the health risks associated with your profession.

The OSHA certification requires employers to certify that each operator of a unit is trained and evaluated to meet the safety requirement standards as set by OSHA regulations. The assessment and OSHA certification is done by an approved and qualified agency. The training and evaluation should include a lecture, practical demonstration through videos and interactive computer instruction. Employers are required by the regulation to verify whether the employee has received proper training. They are evaluated every three years to make sure that the abilities are as sharp as ever.

OSHA’s mission is to make sure that employees have a safe workplace devoid of any health hazards. They set and enforce safety standards for various types of professionals by providing training, education and assistance. Employers are required to comply with the various clauses to make the workplace free of...


Tags: osha 10, osha 10 hour, osha courses

Posted at: 02:20 PM | Permalink

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